
Thursday, July 17, 2008


Growth is so amazing! Remember this picture I took just a short time ago?

Well, our little Robin is a proud mama bird of 4!

I could not get a good shot of the new babies, so these two pics were the best I could do. In this one above, you can see the shells of the hatched eggs. And it looks like the babies are sleeping.

Here you can see the outline of the hanging basket they are in. They look like they are all nestled up to one another. SO cute!

Proud Mama bird! She is about to wake up the babies for lunch!

Growth sneaks up on you when you least expect it. In our garden, which is basically the dressing up of our central air unit, we planted sunflower seeds between the unit and the house.

Here is the first day of planting. No growth yet, of course. But........

Look at them now! This picture depicts less than 2 months of growth! These sunflowers are growing faster than me in my pubescent years! The flower part of the sunflowers have yet to bloom, but I am so excited that I will soon look out my kitchen window and bask in the yellow petals of my sunflowers!

Soon this little guy will be all grown up......NOOOOOO!!!! I won't let it happen! :)

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