
Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Chad and I have a lot of inside jokes. That comes with the package of being married. One of the long running jokes we have is about a lunch bag. Early on in our marriage, Chad really wanted his lunch to be kept cool and needed a bigger bag than an average brown paper bag. So he went out and purchased an insulated lunch bag. I ribbed him about the fact that on it said the words in red, zig zag writing, "EXTREME!". Obviously it was for a kid or maybe a teen, as the tagline for the container was meant to show that the carrier would be EXTREME if they carried it. So I did make fun of Chad's lunch bag....a lot. Whenever I carefully made his sandwiches and put his snacks in baggies to go into the extreme bag, I always had a giggle.
One day, Chad came home from work and I stored the bag in the usual place: on the top shelf of our pantry. As we sat down to eat dinner and chat quietly about our day, I heard something in the pantry hit the ground. I looked at Chad and said "What was that?" and he, without missing a beat, said "Oh that's just my bag being EXTREME!".....the bag had fallen off of the shelf. For some reason, I cracked up about that for weeks. Now whenever inanimate objects mysteriously move, i.e. if wind blows a plastic cup off of a table , we say the cup is being EXTREME! :) Anyway, that was a long story about an inside joke that you probably don't think was even funny, so I will write the infamous words that I hate to hear, but are very true: I guess you had to be there. :)
Yesterday, Chad took the day off work and spent the day with us! It was lots of fun and Eli and Daddy were being EXTREME!
The day started off nicely with some cuddling in the bed.

Then it soon became EXTREME tickling!

EXTREME kid throwing!

EXTREME camera angle!

EXTREME volleyball!

EXTREME sliding!

EXTREME.....not sure what this thing is. :)


We had an EXTREME day! Hope you have one too!

1 comment:

a blog full of weldons. said...

i'm still giggling...too funny!

and those pics of chad throwing eli as he shoots hoops or plays volleyball??? very EXTREEM! i love it!