
Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Apparently our house has a little elf.
I leave dirty dishes in the sink for later and when later comes, they are clean.
I bought a shower curtain and somehow it mysteriously appears hanging nicely in our shower.
I open the dishwasher to unload it and the dishes are gone and put away already.
I leave the bed unmade to get Eli in the morning and it gets made mysteriously every day.
The trash is full one minute and the next, it is empty with a nice new trash bag inside.
I go into the house with the outside Christmas lights off, but when I leave later, they are twinkling away.
I leave a toy cluttered room to put Eli down for nap and when I come downstairs, the room is immaculate.
This little elf is extremely helpful and does these things without being asked, out of the goodness and love that is swelling in his heart.
This little elf means the world to me and I don't know that I appreciate him enough.
So this post is for you, little elf. I love you and I appreciate all that you do for me and for our son. I truly do not deserve you.

1 comment:

The Taylor Three said...

Could your elf come to my house? My elf needs to be fired. ;)