
Monday, September 15, 2008


Water is a necessity. Humans need it, earth needs it. So why do I hate rain? Because it means being all cooped in the house with a very active almost two year old, that is why. So we took a trip to the mall last week, as we usually do when it rains. Eli HATES the stroller, vehemently. So I always let him walk. He listens fairly well, but there have been times that I have run out of a dressing room with a dress half on, chasing after Eli around the clothes racks. This day, he listened very well and we had a good time!

Eli's favorite place is the fountain. He loves to throw/launch pennies into the water. He has quite an arm and tries to make the pennies hit the metal duck figures in the fountain.

Jumping is Eli's favorite new feat. He loves jumping from anywhere! He is on the playground they have at the mall, which is very small and has way too many kids on it. Eli is fearless when it comes to jumping.

Here he is dancing and also break dancing on the floor of the women's perfume department. There was music playing and Eli was showing off his mad skills. The ladies were amused by his dancing abilities which seemed to spur him on more.

And here is a train that Eli watched circle around the track at KB Toys. He used to be able to look at the toys in a toy store and look, touch and then put it back.....not anymore. He now takes the toys off the shelves and says "Pay?".

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