
Sunday, April 17, 2011


On wet, dreary, very cold yesterday, Eli had his first soccer game.  He was decked out in his new cleats, shin guards and of course a headband....something has to keep that hair of his in check. 

He has been over the moon excited every day this week.  He couldn't wait to get his soccer gear on and get his official team shirt.  When we got to the field, it was misting rain and very cold.  Even though Evie had three layers on, one of which was her winter coat, she was still shivering so I took her to the car while Chad videotaped. 

When we came out of the car, hoping to catch the last of the game, Chad informed me that Eli scored two goals and luckily I was there to see and record his 3rd!  He is the one in the bright red shirt and white headband.   

Have you ever seen the movie Parenthood?  In that movie, Steve Martin is a dad who reacts to his kid's game winning baseball catch in such a crazy, jubilant off the wall way.  When Eli scored, we cheered and cheered and I was so excited for him!  His first official game and he scores 3 goals!  This is a kid who watches soccer on television while simultaneously plays his own game in our living room complete with soccer goal and everything.  I finally felt a smidge of what Steve Martin was trying to convey.  We as parents not only live vicariously through our kids, but we also have this unique ability to feel what our children feel, sometimes more than they actually do.  It is like a heightened sense of empathy to the millionth degree.  When they hurt, we hurt, when they laugh, we laugh, when they are angry, we are angry...when they have adrenaline pumping and heart racing from the goal they just scored, so do we!!!  I remember watching old home movies of when we were kids and playing in our own soccer games.  The voice I remember the most cheering us on was my Mom's.  The loudest one there, screaming and flipping out while cheering and encouraging.  I am her now!

After the game, we did emphasize that even if he scored no goals, it would still be fun.  Fun is the reason why he plays and I never want to him forget that.  Once a kid gets sucked into the competition of the sport and loses sight of the fun of it, it can be a sad thing.  But we do want to celebrate him and we are proud of our little guy.  :)

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