
Thursday, August 20, 2009


-Weight Loss......this is going sloooooooowly. It has been 3 weeks now. Chad's poundage goes down and then up and then down again by a few pounds. Mine has been going down consistently, but super slow. My knee has been hurting again, so the doc told me stop running and to do the elliptical machine for a while instead. I watch movies while I work out and it helps the time go so much faster.

-Great TV Turn Off....this has been going well. It is a bit stressful, as my child has so much energy, it is exhausting! But, it is nice to play together more and even Evangeline gets in on the play. Now that she is bigger, she is a bit more roughhouse-able. Also, I began doing some lessons with Eli. We call them projects. We did the first one and Eli not only was excited for it, he loved doing it! And just ask him what sound an A makes...he will proudly tell you. So all in all, who needs TV???? Wellllll, lets not go that far. :) growing up too fast! He turns three years old in less than 2 months!!! AND, he starts preschool next month. My sweet baby is a little boy. He is such a bundle of energy and difficult to keep up with, but he keeps me on my toes. He will start soccer classes again in September (thanks to Nana and Poppy), so he will love that! He still loves all sports and his basket of balls grows bigger by the day. He is making progress on the potty training front, but his stubbornness is really showing itself. True to his age, he is really starting to exert his control. Example:
Daddy: Eli, do you want to go potty?
Eli: No.
Daddy: Ok.
(10 seconds later)
Eli: I want to go POTTY!!

As you can see, it has to be Eli's idea for him to go potty....sounds like my husband.....hates being told what to do. :) And we are probably going to get his hair trimmed because it is getting out of control. But we do like it long.

Evangeline.....chunky monkey! I never thought I could love rolls as much as I love hers. She is such a joy. She is 3 and a half months old. I stare at her every day and just sigh in awe. She is my beauty. I was concerned that I may not have been as enamored with Eli as I am with her, but Chad reassured me that I was, and then some. She loves to be tickled and even just smiled at. She likes movement....we will be in the car at a stoplight and she will cry until we move again. She falls asleep while I rock her vigorously...I am talking whiplash rocking, or while walking around with her. The time between her bowel movements has only increased. It has now been two weeks since she had one and she is fussy as ever. We went to the doctor AGAIN and apparently I have low residue breastmilk and he has very absorbent intestines so between the two of those things, she never goes. All in all, she is a happy baby.

Us....anniversary!! On Friday we will celebrate 5 years of wedded bliss.....ok, wedded bliss is a bit of an exaggeration. :) Chad's parents are coming to watch the kids while we go play and celebrate. Not sure what to do yet based on our monetary situation, but it may include seeing a movie and smuggling food into the theatre from WaWa like the days of yore, yore being 5 years ago. :)

1 comment:

The Taylor Three said...

Can I just say I love your blog, and I also wanted to tell you that I had the same problem with Lacy and the bowel movements. She just absorbed everything, but I had the added problem of not being able to produce enough to keep her satisfied. BUT, I also was in the middle of a huge move so I think the added stress just made my milk disappear. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that my little girl has always been a weird 'pooper' and it was all OK in the end. ;)